Oct 19, 2006 15:17
Hmmm what to update about, haven't really got anything happening at the moment other than I am a taxi for my Grandparents, my granddad recently had surgery on his shoulder and now cannot drive for 6 weeks. Normally they would go shopping every other if not every day and my nan is still kinda in that habit so whenever I am not working I seem to be taking her shopping. Plus having the driveway paved at the moment so my dad wants me at home as much as possible so that means the one day i had something to do was forgotten under everyone else's things, pissed off that my time is just everyone else's and will be for 6 weeks. That was a nice vent.
Nothing else is happening I don't think just bored and pissed off with the world today so I'll leave it at that.
Oh and if anyone lectures me about moaning you'll be blocked and hated.