Aug 09, 2012 20:14
So, I was rewatching BtVS S7, which is weird cause I have not done that in a loooog while, and Baisacally I just wanted to remember Nathan Fillion as Caleb so I played Dirty Girls and boy tose firs five minutes felt like a Criminal Minds Episode. The dude was creepy.
In related stuff, Castle has taken over my brain and soul and everything, I've been reading so much Casket fic in the space of a week my eyes are practically bleeding but it's soo good!! I had never strayed far from Spuffy, other than the occasional Dr. Who fic or I don't know, Big Bang theory fic that happened to fall into my lap, but I've been obssessing with Caskett so much I'm scared for my sanity. And the Castle fandom right now reminds me of the reasons Buffy fandom manged to suck me in. They're so cute but sort of angsty too, and I keep thinking It's not a Joss show so things will probably never go horribly wrong.
I'm digging it.
And Back to Dirty Girls, so night y'all :)