Ellen MacArthur ... Happy Chinese New Year

Feb 10, 2005 02:50

It's been on the news, Ellen MacArthur has just broken the solo sailing round-the-world record in under 72 days (Official site here). Like a few years ago when she also broke the then-record but came second, hearing about it made my hair stand and this is probably the only sporting achievement and personality that is truly inspiring to me. I was reading and throughly enjoying listening to audio press conference just then(it's about 14Mb). There were many important but often forgotten things to take out and learn from, one of my favourite parts was when she described her good days and how she said it, just made sort of rise inside with what she's describing, the joy and elation she felt, I sort of felt a little bit too. She's very down-to-earth, very upfront about there being more bad days than good, how hard it was, how much it was a team effort, and the humbling experience it was and the fantastic support she got. It was great listening to what she said, reminds me of simple truths that are often forgotten or discarded in the face of adversity.

I got my bike back on Tuesday and it's ok, my hand is ok too and I can probably go riding this weekend. It is/was Chinese New Year today/yesterday, so Happy Chinese New Year!, to all who celebrate it. :) It's been quiet here, with me home alone, but I hope it's festive and loud and all sort of good things in your parts of the world. I have been remiss in keeping up with LJ and what everyone is up to, so I will go do that now for a bit. Hope everyone are well and having a good week.


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