Sep 28, 2011 05:15
Vladislaus, do not write to me of respect, of equalities, of our agreement for boundaries, only to cross my affairs in this way.
Yes, I know how you are... I meekly stood by with Verona in disbelief when you told us you would seek another to replace poor Marishka. Not even time to mourn was given and we feared that you would think so fleetingly of us, should our times also come.
It was not my place, in those days, to stand against you. And yes, your pull, was like that of a magnet upon my blood, my heart, made me wish to think such concerns away. To ignore them, because family was our strength.
So, here we are. Another time. A different place. And your pull, here, is weakened, yet I give you my care and support, still. I spoke to you of the need... Of what this place can bestow, amidst the humiliations and horror. That it could renew you, offer life - a new life. That you would no longer have to face oblivion.
You tell me I am respected. That we must be careful. That you claim to understand when I say these things... And now I discover you have not merely sought pleasure in the flesh of another - and that, at least, I could find understanding in. But you have sought it in my student. The one I am expected to guide.
What is worst of all, you do not realise you may have given her the very thing she is meant to AVOID.
It is rare for me to make demands of you and so, I ask only for decision: You will leave her be or I must request another to teach. I cannot have these... Contrivances working against me - and I cannot have annoyance growing within me against her.
You must choose. Do not act like martyr if you feel the desire for this girl will fester and claw at you. This is not about our past and I am not here to police who choose to bed. It is about my teachings.
As selfish as I know I can be, to continue this way is not fair to her.