Been a long time

Jul 09, 2015 12:38

My friend studiousrex reminded me that I haven't posted to Livejournal in quite a long time. I remember having paid a good deal of money a long time ago to make my journal "permanent". I remember that it made me happy. It still does. I'm glad this little journal is still here, though it is not much used anymore.

Because I need to write a "TO DO" list of the day anyway, here it is for your viewing pleasure (or boredom):

1. Investigate thing; send necessary info. Got the ball rolling here. Will hopefully have the needed documents this weekend.
2. Call old doctor, have them transfer records. Also find the new patient paperwork they want filled out. I got the ball rolling. Need to actually call tomorrow morning, but I know what to do now.
3. Organize office.
4. Knit something.
5. Purchase materials for Star Wars course.
6. Take out trash and recycling, or get husband to do so.
7. Work on 3rd speech for Toastmasters.
8. Read something.
9. Do yoga. Shower. Get dressed.
10. Log into Signum; do something?
11. Sign up at Mythgard forums.
12. Go to library, return stuff that's due.
13. Stop by work and pick up lettuce. (One of my coworkers is giving away fresh lettuce from her garden--very tasty, and very nice of her.)
14. Deposit check.

This is what happens when I make lists. They become very long, and then I get depressed, because I know I will NEVER finish the list in a timely manner. It is just too long. I must keep calm and prioritize.

Here's what I have already accomplished today (being a day off from work):
1. Did dishes and cleaned kitchen
2. Broke down boxes for recycling
3. Sorted e-mail, attended several e-mails that needed attending.
4. Backed the Chime Sharp Kickstarter campaign (this is really cool).
5. Posted to my class forum, read the syllabus.
6. Made iced tea for later.
7. Completed reading for next lecture.

When I put it that way, my productivity is actually pretty good. It's only 12:36pm. Lots of time left in the day. But first I must eat something.
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