
Nov 11, 2010 19:58

to friends one and all, new and old, come find me on facebook!

i rarely check in here anymore, but i often find myself wondering how many of you are and what is going on in your lives. i would very much like to keep in touch with those of you i forged regular connections with.

i should get back into the habit of using livejournal once again, but unfortunately i succomed to the devil and got sucked into the farcebook void - it's just so much easier for me, although i do wonder just how fast paced life will eventually become that we'll all have time for nothing anymore...

anyway, if you'd like to find me - i'm here:

on the off-chance facebook prevents you from adding me directly, fire me a message there. i hope all is well in your worlds. x

ps: please note, when/if you add me, please add a note with your livejournal name so i know who you are, otherwise i may ignore it, not realizing!
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