Hello, there

Mar 01, 2015 21:16

So, yeah, I finally got a livejournal. Basically, it was just because some authors had livejournal but no aff, and I needed an account to read their fics. And then I figured, well, since I have one, might as well put it to use.
For those of you who know me from aff, you know I only write YunJae and YooSu. No Homin, no HoChul, no HoSu, etc. I will allow an occasional threesome and MAYBE some temporary SoulMates. But that's it. Cuz I said so. So yeah.
I'm also fully DBSK only. I might add in lil SiChul tidbits into my fic here and there, but I generally don't write about other couples because, honestly, they just don't interest me. They don't make me squeal with love and unicorns like DBSK couples do. LOL
So yeah, that's my journal. I'll be posting entries here soon enough.

