Star Trek AOS Fic - Outride the Sun by caitri

Jun 14, 2011 12:12

Outride the Sun by caitri
Fandom: Star Trek AOS, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character/Pairing: Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, Chekov/Sulu
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit
Wordcount: 56,000
Genre: Crossover, Romance, supernatural AU
Summary: Being seventeen sucks. So does moving to a Hellmouth, discovering the girl of your dreams is a Slayer and that you just might be in love with a vampire. Or, How Leonard McCoy Got a Stake, Got a Life, and Got Laid. A BTVS/Trek XI mash-up/crossover.
Notes: You don't have to have ever seen BtVS to enjoy this fusion because everyone here is awesome and kick-ass and totally in-character, and, hey? Jim Kirk as a hot vampire who takes a shine to oh-so-perfectly-grumpy high schooler Bones. But if you have watched much Buffy, then this fic takes it up a notch with tons of hilarious nods to the show.

trope: fusion, character: ensemble, character: leonard mccoy, fandom: star trek aos, pairing: spock/uhura, fandom: buffy the vampire slayer, pairing: chekov/sulu, trope: crossover, pairing: kirk/mccoy

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