Star Trek AOS Fic - Darkness and Silence. Mostly Silence. by laughter_now

May 25, 2011 21:09

Darkness and Silence. Mostly Silence. by laughter_now
Fandom: Star Trek AOS
Character/Pairing: Kirk/McCoy
Rating/Warning(s): Teen
Wordcount: 5,800
Genre: h/c, mission gone wrong, Enterprise fic, established relationship
Summary: "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence." Bones learns that space is indeed dangerous and dark. But most of all, space is silent.
Notes: Gah. Bones's terror comes through so vividly here, and his thoughts about space and Jim are all jumbled together in a really amazing way.

character: jim kirk, trope: mission gone wrong, trope: established relationship, character: leonard mccoy, fandom: star trek aos, trope: h/c, trope: enterprisefic, pairing: kirk/mccoy

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