Masterlist: Star Trek AOS - Amanda/Sarak

May 19, 2011 08:16

 All of my recommendations for the Amanda/Sarak pairing in the Star Trek AOS fandom.

Mother Tongue by tree_and_leaf
Rating/Warning(s): General
Wordcount: ~1,000
Genre: kid fic, coupledom
Summary: He's a child of two worlds, and some people don't entirely approve...
Notes: Two of my favorite tropes in Star Trek fic are linguistic playfulness and Vulcan-esque snark, and this fic hits both of them, as well as giving a wonderful peek at Amanda & Sarak's relationship.

The Illogical (√π233/hy7) Series by waldorph
Pairing: Kirk/Spock (Also: Chapel/McCoy, Amanda/Sarek, Chekov/Sulu, Scotty/Uhura, Winona/George, Stonn/T'Pring, Aurelan/Sam Kirk, Number One/Pike)
Rating/Warning(s): Explicit 
Wordcount:  ~150,000
Genre: AU, Epic, Ensemble 
Summary: Jim never takes up Pike's dare to do better. Close-canon movie AU, with touches of Good Will Hunting.
Notes: What do you say about a series that spans 150,000 words of the best smart!Kirk and takes up the story of just about everyone in the verse? This is waldorph's epic. Why haven't you read it yet?

!masterlist, character: sarek, pairing: amanda/sarek, character: amanda grayson

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