Title: 'The Sequel'
Fandom: Desperate Housewives
Pairings: Bree Van deKamp and Lynette Scavo
Chapter: Part X - finale!
Rating: PG-13ish
Author's Note: I know this icon is from 'Bang' and it's totally out of context but I had to find a 'sad Lynette' looking picture in a hurry and this is all I could find and then I had to make an icon by myself!! (
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I'm back! And I can't believe what I found. And I was the one who asked for a sequel!!! Of course, you would have maybe written (I'm sure you missed my so special English!) that story even if I wouldn't, but I feel a little responsible anyway... Responsible of what? Of Bree's and Lynette's distress, of course!!!
I can't say how I missed your works... and you, too.
You know, I felt exactly like Them, in my live, and you desribe those feelings so well! Oh! God! It's really the function (right?) of fiction, I think.
Like Khindin, I love the part with the wooden horse. And about that, I have something to say... You know, I think that great works always are beyond their writers, so maybe you're going to say that I'm totally wrong, but I really mean it... For me, that wooden horse is like a symbol of childhood... What's childhood? It's when you surrender in your desires, when you're not cheating with yourself. What's maturity? It's when you take in account (right? wrong?) the consequences of your acts, so you become capable of renouncing (like always, I'm marvelling how you can understand me!!!). But I think that we can't be adults ALL THE TIME!!! Or we're killing ourselves! For me, Bree just killed herself, and she killed Lynette, too. That's why she drinks again, and why Lynette takes ADD medication again. And that's why I'm just crying now, and why I just made a decision: I decide to surrender, from time to time, into my own desires...
Aren't you proud of me?
You're great, like always.
Thank you, and I'm waiting for your next story...
You've made me speechless. What a compliment!
Email me...I want to know more about your revelation. :D
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