Oct 08, 2009 01:04
Author: fanficswriter
Genre: Romantic
Main Characters: Tora and Shou Alice Nine, YOU
RATE: 18+ (clear description of love scene and some violent actions will be included)
*The character “I” doesn’t mean ME. So you can think that “I” is YOU, who read this.
It’s morning already, the alarm clock rings. Tora opens his eyes and turns off the alarm. He doesn’t want to wake me up. He takes a look at me who sleeps in his arm with the blanket covering my lower body. He pulls the blanket up so it can cover my upper body too. He kisses me on the forehead then gets up, heads to the bathroom.
I open my eyes several minutes later, I find out he’s not there, I believe he’s taking a bath. I can’t find my outfit so I take his white shirt that he was wearing last night, it’s too big for me, it can cover me till the thigh. I only button it at around the stomach.
I prepare his clothes for today’s work. After that I come out of the bed room to the kitchen but....I decide not to go, instead I head to the bathroom. He didn’t lock it so I can come in. He’s taking a shower in the shower box, I can see his back.
I silently open the shower box’s door, holding him from the back, letting myself wet.
“___! Hey, there, sweet heart,” he’s startled. He lets go off my arms and faces me. I hold him with my arms and he kisses me on the forehead.
“I’ve prepared your clothes for today,” I say.
“Thanks, have you prepared the breakfast?” he asks.
“Haven’t...I was about to but...I decided to go here instead,” I answer.
“Bad girl,” he says while rubbing his nose to mine.
He lets go off my arms from him and he can see my body through the wet shirt which turns him on.
“Come here!” he whispers then pushes my body against wall.
We’re finished taking shower and breakfast. He works in an advertising company so he must go early. While I work as a cashier in a depatment store but my shift starts after lunch until the store closed.
“I’m going now,” he says before pecking my lips.
“Be careful,” I reply.
He leaves to the parking lot to take his car. He usually calls me once he got to his office because until it’s time to go home, he can’t contact me for his business. When there’s a project he usually stays at the office and returns by daybreak.
I wash the dishes then wash the laundry. I’m glad I don’t need to rush in the morning for work so I can work on the chores. Cleaning the whole home is really tiring but since it’s Tora’s and my own, I don’t mind. Then I cook for my lunch and prepare for Tora’s dinner. I usually store it in the fridge so he can cook once he’s home.
Now it’s time for me to work. There’s Erika, my work mate.
“Morning, ____!” she greets.
“Hi, morning, Erika!” I reply.
“OH GOD! You’ve got to cover this!” she whispers in hurry.
“What?” I ask.
She takes a scarf from her locker and put it on around my neck. “You just had sex with him last night, right?” she asks while covering the kissing mark she saw left on my neck.
“Oh my God....he left something right? I told him not to but I think he didn’t listen to me...” I sound worried.
“Did he hit you again?” She asks.
2 Years ago.
It was like a dream comes true for me to move in and live with Tora, the one who’s going to protect me whatever it takes. Since he’s been living alone, he didn’t rent a big apartment, just an apartment that would fit for himself. But since I moved in, he made it as comfortable as possible for me. There was only one bed room so we would sleep on the same bed room.
After a month staying there... I could see his true color. He’s so over-protective, in both good and bad way. There was a time someone was seducing me and he touched my butt in purpose, Tora was there, wintessed the harrashment. He then threatened the guy and took me home. At home, he yelled as loud as he could to me, blamming me for wearing such a short skirt.
“DO YOU WANT THEM TO TOUCH YOU!? Now you do look like a bitch!” that kind of blame.
The other day, my workmate had a crush on me but I didn’t notice. I thought he only wanted a friendship from me so when he asked me out for dinner after work, I said yes.
When I got home and he asked why was I late, I asnwered his question honestly but...
“Are you stupid? He’s in love with you!” he yelled in anger. “Or do you want to cheat on me?” and then he hit me, slapped my face.
It didn’t happen only once, such verbal and physical abuse. It happened many times since I moved in two years ago. But I always forgive him because...I guess I’m dependent...and...I love him, I can’t help it. Also, after hitting me, he listened to my explanation. Then he became to understand and asked for forgiveness, asked me not to do that anymore and told me “if you say no, it means no... I trust you.”
“No he did not. He’s changed,” I tell Erika.
“He better be. You should leave him and live with me if he does something like that to you again...” Erika sounds worried.
“I’ll be fine.”
It’s 5PM now, today we’ve got so many costumers.
“Welcome, are these all?” I greet my costumer. When I lift my chin up... “Shou?” I claim.
“___!” he yells.
“Oh my God, it’s been a long time!” I say in happiness. I start to scan the stuffs in his shopping bag.
“Yeah! How are you?” he asks.
“I’m good, you?” I reply while scanning the price.
“I’m good. At last we meet after you gave up your college.”
The supermarket’s closed on 9PM. Shou was having a business around there so he returns to the supermarket when he’s done with his business. He’s waiting for me.
“Can I walk you home?” he’s smiling at me.
We take a walk under the city lights.
Shou. He’s someone I knew during cram school. That time I was on my second grade, going to cram school and being taught by him. He was a university student whose part time was teaching in that cram school.
“Are you still teaching?” I ask.
“Yeah, but this year will be my last term,” he answers.
“Why?” I ask.
“Well...I’m going to finish my study,” he gives me a smile.
Yes, he’s still in college, trying to finish his study, he’s going to be a doctor. Just a step ahead for his practice in hospital.
“Dad said my teaching schedule would not match the practice schedule. Teaching was only to spend my free time anyway,” he explains.
“Is it fun?? In the cram school,” I ask.
“Not anymore. No students are as beautiful as you are,” he teases.
“Hahaha, yeah, not as beautiful as me, but MORE beautiful, right?” I tease him back.
“By the way, are you still with....” he’s trying to remember Tora’s name.
“Yes, Tora. You’re still with him?”
I nod. “Now I live with him.”
“Yeah I heard you moved to his place after your parents death. Well...you don’t have any family so better to stay with your guardian,” he teases me again.
“Hey! He’s not my guardian! He’s my boyfriend,” I poke his stomach that makes him laugh. “What about you? Still with...”
“Runa? No, no, not long after you graduated, we broke up. She was leaving Tokyo and she said she could not do a long distance relationship,” he answers truthfully. “Then these past 2 years, I dated someone else...twice. One is my senior and the other one is my junior,” he adds.
“WHAT!? Hahaha, you dated your senior?” I laugh.
“Yep! She was hot, you know. We only dated for a month, she left for my other senior,” he says.
“Poor you,” I tease. He pokes my stomach now. “Hahahaha,” I laugh.
“With the junior...we dated for 6 months but just broke up 3 months ago,” he says.
“Another cheating?” I guess.
“NO! It’s just...she wants my attention all the time. I must be able to be with her like....24 hours. Very jealous to all girls I know so I decided to let her go,” he explains.
At this time I think...this is really fun. I never have such fun moment with a guy like this. No, Tora doesn’t forbid me being friends with men, but if he smells something fishy, he always bans me from that fishy man. I wish he won’t smell something fishy from Shou.
Then it’s the apartment building. Shou takes me till the elevator when from our behind...
“____” someone calls my name. I turn around and...there’s Tora.
“Tora, you just got home? Late?” I startled.
Gosh...what would he think??