Title: Out with the Old, In with the New
Author: Royalty25
Rating: PG-13
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: #34 Old for
100quillsWord Count: 256
Summary: Alicia can't deny the truth about Miles anymore.
Disclaimer: These characters are never mine.
Old memories. New memories. They were starting to blur together. Old warnings of things to come. New opportunities to put those warnings to good use. Unfortunately Alicia couldn't see the truth, not from where she was standing. She was in the middle of this mess and didn't want to admit that Miles had committed all those crimes. It would shatter her world and the last thing she needed was to lose hope.
He told her he wasn't a Death Eater. He provided her with good alibis for his whereabouts on the days different people were murdered. She couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal. She couldn't deny she didn't believe him. What do you do when someone you love has done the unthinkable? She never thought she'd find herself in this conundrum.
One night there was a knock on the door. Alicia pretended to be fast asleep, which forced Miles to wake up to answer the door. He opened the door and was surprised to see some of his associates there.
"What are you doing here?"
"They're onto you. What do you intend on doing?" asked Amycus Carrow.
"I have it under control. Alicia doesn't know this yet, but she's going to help me out of this predicament."
Alicia overheard this and knew she had to get out of there, but not tonight. She didn't overhear the rest of the conversation, but she couldn't be in denial anymore. This was real. The war was on. New information allowed old biases to be erased from her mind immediately.