my second entry (english)

Feb 02, 2009 21:27


I don’t know if I’m gonna use livejournal a lot, but I suppose I must introduce myself, anyway.

My name is Ana. I’ve created this account basically to follow up the fanfic pages I’ve been reading lately. Specially to be able to tell the writers how I love their stories. I don’t have any story to post right now. I don’t know if I would contribute with anything but my support someday, but I think support is worth the effort to keep this account running.

I’m gonna write both in English and Spanish.

I don’t have a good idea about how livejournal works, so I’m gonna ask a lot of questions. Gonna try not to be a pain.

My mother tongue is Spanish, and I don’t write in English habitually, so please feel free to tell me if I’m doing any mistakes. Will help a lot to improve my writing skills.


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