Feb 11, 2020 22:47

What is this place?

- This is a community where fanfiction- of all different fandoms- can be shared with everyone!
- This is a brain-child of desiringpirates 
- This is gonna be fun!

What are the rules?

- All posts will be moderated. This is so I can weed out what is spam and what is not. Also, if there are very disturbing situations in your story (i.e: child abuse), I will not let them see the light of day.
- All ratings, however, are welcomed!
- All fandoms are welcomed!
- All writers are welcomed!

How do I post?

- Easy! Just do what you usually do, do not forget lj cuts, and instead of posting stories here on this journal, please link it to another one.
- Do not forget to add tags - your fandom, the rating, novel or short length.

Who runs this place?

- Currently, only me, desiringpirates . But if this community gets bigger, I will ask people to help me out.


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