Looking for a 9-1-1 fic

Jan 24, 2024 15:36

Hello! I am looking for a 9-1-1 fic where Buck acts as a sniper. I can't remember if the 118 is called out to a situation where Buck volunteers to help SWAT mid-call, or if it is more of a situation where post-lawsuit Buck leaves LAFD and joins SWAT and he is acting as a sniper in his actual position.

Regardless I remember he goes up on a roof and gets the shot, and climbs down to the 118 being shocked that he was the shooter/able to make the shot and lowkey horrified he killed someone. Buck avoids most of them. I don't remember how it ends or if it was completed.

Not sure if it was a crossover with S.W.A.T or if it just features a generic SWAT team. Any help appreciated! 99% chance in was read on AO3. Thanks!
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