May 04, 2016 13:36
This one's been bugging me for no reason I know. Richie's Immortal and I think he and Duncan are together - during the teacher at the dojo stage of his life maybe? Anyhow, somethings off, some little clue either Joe, Methos or a Watcher on Joe's side notices, and it comes out that Richie's got a flop apartment somewhere and he's working as a hooker and a busboy - and he's not carrying his sword at all during those times. Cue something happening, Joe/Methos/Duncan rush to the rescue, and Richie doesn't have a clue who they are. Then something else is said or done and "Richie" is back - he knows them, knows he's Immortal, and thinks they're playing a joke on him or something.
The hooker is one personality, the busboy a second, our Richie is third and there's the kid Richie was when the breaks started. I think he gets a Quickening and gets reset to the kid.
It's really, really really old and on the long side, because that's the only kind of fic I read. Anything?
fandom: highlander,
genre: slash,
genre: hurt/comfort,
pairing: slash,
length: long