Nov 26, 2012 16:56
Does anyone know the name of this fanfic?
It’s USUK, human AU, WWII. It starts with Arthur going up into his attic, looking back at old memoir, from things that happened I think it was 10 years, prior. It goes back to Arthur being forcibly deported into the front, and he’s hiding in a bush, and Alfred shows up and helps him get to safety. They become fast friends, meeting some of the other characters, and they soon start to fall for each other.
At some point they’re in a closet kissing, but an alarm goes off and they go to fight, but have to go to separate places.
The next scene I remember is Arthur getting kidnapped by Ludwig, tortured via skinning his arm, and he confesses their plans to attack, and Ludwig drops Arthur off back at his base. They amputate his arm, and Alfred stays with him through recovery.
Arthur doesn’t tell anyone that he told the enemy the plans, so Alfred goes to the enemy base to attack, but they’re expecting them, and Alfred gets shot in the head and dies.
It goes back to Arthur in the present time, and then it ends.
genre: military,
pairing: slash,
genre: au,
genre: romance