Apr 10, 2008 16:36
Looking for a couple of Gundam Wing fics, and one DBZ fic, hoping beyond hope that someone can help me out.
Okay, the first one is (was?) titled What's Up with Wufie? It was crack. Very crack. Like, crack to the tenth power. I believe it started out with Wufie stealing some of Relena's shoes for a shrine that he and Dorothy had built; their was some sort of crazy Relena-napping scheme between the two of them. When they try to carry out they're plans, Duo bursts in to the rescue, wearing women's clothing (a miniskirt, maybe?) and poorly done makeup (I seem to recall a reference to Mimi Bobeck). Quatre is mixed up in all this somehow. Anyway, things get kinda weird, Heero comes and gets everything broken up and there's some gratuitous pairing off for the sake of happy endings (Wufei with Sally, Duo with Hilde, Quatre with Trowa and Dorothy with some random OC). Googling has not produced satisfactory results. I fear it may be gone from the 'net...
The second one is a rather lengthy Trowa/Relena/Heero triangle. I don't really remember much about it. Heero has disappeared somewhere, Relena strikes up a friendship with Trowa (who has maybe been assigned as her guard?) and Trowa develops an interest in her that he doesn't act on. People start to wonder about the nature of their relationship; I remember that Wufei is very much in favor of a romance between them and Duo is very much against it. Relena is actually seeing someone (an OC) for some of the fic, but breaks things off when he proposes and then gets pissy at her for refusing, at which point he spreads rumors that she was cheating on him with Trowa (and other?) all along, for the purpose of discrediting her. I remember Heero does come back, and I'm pretty sure the fic ends as 1xR, but I could be wrong. Minors details I can dredge up are Duo being engaged (married?) to Hilde, and Duo commenting that Relena may claim to be a pacifist, but at least Heero would just shoot you (or something along those lines). Anyone?
The DBZ fic is a bit of an afterthought. It is very, very crack and is pretty long. I don't remember it very well, but I know it starts with Bring Your Father to Work Day at Gohan's high school and going downhill from there. I remember Goten accidentally wishing for everyone in the world to have a tail (Bulma sprouted a blue one, IIRC), Chichi planning Gohan and Videl's wedding even though they insist they aren't even dating, Goten and Trunks running around the high school in question (and getting freaked out by a film shown to a sex ed class), direct reference to Hammer Space (Chichi worries when her frying pan isn't in its usual pocket of air or some-such), Gohan going a little bit crazy and seeing a Vegeta!devil and Goku!angel on either of his shoulders (at some point King Vegeta and Bardock show up; they've apparently been granted a bit of time back to life, on the condition that they meet Gohan first and dress in a devil costume and angel costume respectively) and... I dunno, but I think Trunks wishes Goten mute by accident? Anyway, I'm pretty sure you'd recognize this if you've read the fic. I just tried to rec it to my brother and realized that I don't know where to locate it.
genre: crack,
fandom: dragonball z,
fandom: gundam wing