Livechurnaleros y demás gente fantástica:
Lo estoy haciendo oficial: desde hoy este LJ se cierra a sólo amigos. Como mi ego y mi afán de autopublicidad es más grande que todo lo demás, los fanfics futuros serán siendo públicos.
Si has estado mirando este LJ desde las sombras o acabas de llegar y te tinca amiguearte, sólo tienes que dejar un comentario y yo te agrego a mi f-list. Lo único que te pido es que si te amigueo me amiguees de vuelta (esto de la reciprocidad de la amistad, ya sabes).
Estoy: Trabajando.
Home - Michael Buble Hi, you there!
As you can see, this journal is locked Friends Only (wth the only exception of mi fics, 'cause my ego wouldn't let me lock them).
I can friend you if you want me to (I'd only ask you to be friended back, I like reciprocity).
If you wanna be my friend, the first thing you gotta know is that my LJ is 99% in spanish (y'know, being chilean and thinking in spanish and all). So I wouldn't recommend you to friend me if you can't read spanish (but it's just me, if you think I'm cute enough to be your friend even if you can't understand me --- it's a free world!).
Any thought? Question? Feel free to leave a comment.
Current mood: Working.
Current music:
Home - Michael Buble