"We could practice together."

Jun 04, 2011 15:35

Love In Idleness
by twanza

summary by the author: Bella Swan meets the perfect boy during her junior year, but when she finds out he's a freshman, and an evil mastermind, all hell breaks lose.

This fic is my new obsession, only 6 chapters but it's really good!!!! And the author is sooo sweet!!!
It's great when you appreciate a story and you can chat with the author!
Love In Idleness is a combination of everything I love. It's cute, funny, angsty, it contains teenage hormones lol. I love the dynamic between Edward and Bella, they are so cute, they don't know how to act around each other. Bella is the new girl, she's shy  and have a thing for fairies (and is secretly crushing on Edward). The problem is that Edward is almost 2 years younger than her and Bella is not okay with that. Edward on the other hand is ready to prove to his girl that he can be good for her.  (God, I'm so bad a summaries!!!! I'm going to shut up and let you enjoy this awesome story!!!)

banner by me

character: edward, rated: m, character: bella, all human

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