Title: Growing Trouble
Rating: G
Pairing:(if there are any) Hamfast Gamgee/Gardening
Summary: Bookverse, prequest: The garden at Bag-End gets worse every year. Or maybe it's just his knees.
Warning:(if there are any) A small bit of premediated violence to plant life; not reccomended for Ents. ;) Hamfast is Tolkien's.
There were more stones in the garden this year. They weren’t particularly large, but they were sharp and rolled under his feet at unpleasant times. They seemed heavier, too, for all their smallness.
Then there were the weeds. Oh, certainly, one dandelion in the grass was jaunty, but once those tough long roots got a toehold, they‘d cover the whole lawn in white-headed brown stems and there wasn’t a thing you could do but dig up all the grass and weeds alike. Then he discovered nettles in the sunflowers. Hamfast shook his head. Next year, Sam was on his own.