To refresh your memories, since we've been getting a lot of good fic for the June challenge, this month's inoffical challenge is A Meeting of Minds, featuring the interactions between different races.
Title: Love and Weakness
Rating: PG
Pairing:(if there are any) Mithrellas/Imrazor (I <3 Dol Amroth. They get the coolest Anduniac and Sindarin names.) ;)
Summary: Mithrellas is no Luthien.
Warning:(if there are any) Partially inspired by the
Arwen vs. Luthien 2007 debate at
I will not ask for your forgiveness, for there is no earning it. You wished for a Luthien to your Beren, but you seem to have forgotten something of their story that I have not. Beren dies. All mortals must die, someday, and I could not bear to watch you or our children follow that path. Luthien might have followed her Beren through the Halls of Mandos, but I am not ready to face those grim corridors.
It was love that brought me to these lands. She loved him, and because I loved her as a sister, I followed her after him. We had intended to go across the sea together, but love drew us all in unplanned and uncertain directions. I went with you, for I could not bear to sail so soon after they were swallowed by the ocean.
In time, I have grown to love you. Truly, I still do. But I cannot dive beneath these waters, no matter who might await me upon the other side. And so I sail across them, to where I might love you after you are gone. I shall not ask for forgiveness for my weakness. I never claimed to be Luthien.