New Fic: Pirates of the Caribbean: Uncharted Territories (1/?) Het

May 30, 2010 23:16

Woot! It’s here! The very first chapter of my new POTC fic. Please read and I hope you enjoy it. :-) Oh, and it’s not BETA’ed, since I havent found anyone who wanted to do it. So if you want to BETA, please let me know! :-)

Title: Pirates of the Caribbean: Uncharted Territories

Part: 1/?

Author: Line

Wordcount: This part - 2183. Overall - 55000 +

Rating: G for this part, NC-17 overall.

Characters: Jack Sparrow, James Norrington, OFC, Gibbs, OCs.

Genre: Het.

Summary: A young lady runs away from an arranged marriage, ends up joining the crew of The Black Pearl, and soon realizes this isn’t just your average pirates, especially the crazy captain Jack Sparrow.

Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters of the POTC franchise. I’m not making any money on this. This is written solely for entertainment.

Notes: Not Beta’d. All mistakes are mine. Also this is my version of what happens after AWE. Very very loosely based on the few spoilers I’ve read about the upcoming movie.

Feedback: Yes please. Con-crit is always welcome. Flames will be laughed at or ignored. :-)


Pirates of the Caribbean: Uncharted Territories
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