I decided this list was getting too big for my userinfo, so I put it here... I'm about to go find the entries where I got things, so I can come back and add them here...
underdark_icons (bases, mostly LOTR, spread over many entries)
jubilliemmygraphics (many bases, mostly actresses)
chosenxone SMG_lostjunkiealaskanicons (textures)
genderluxbrush herecolorfilter here here and
hereany_otherdaycrystalkirk - Six Feet Under caps
here and smudge brushes
hereteh_indy_kendra (HP bases)
herebasicbasesDJ_40 (borders)
adoralyna (textures)
honerbright (light textures)
ashke_icons (light textures)
nixxie_ (light textures)
eyes__x__rot (brushes)
ladybanteerin (brushes)
icon_maiden (box brushes)
lipsofpoison (text brushes)
ingenu0us (text brushes)
so_duckyscifirootsbatskull Text brushes
hereartlessbaka Text brushes
herecolortonesugarplumkitten herepeachlemonade (Scrubs bases - can be found in memories)
mylynn @
purebloodicons (text brushes)
hermyonegrangerunconfessed herefightstarr textures and brushes, check memories!
helena_rw Hererefche dotted brushes
Hererough_draft___ Herekirjava17 HP bases
Here Secret Obsession If you see me using your bases/borders/textures and I haven't credited you here, please let me know so I can add you...