Baby's Got a Temper

May 20, 2007 17:41

Baby’s Got a Temper



Summary: Random PWP featuring jealous!Dean, rough!car!sex, and slutty!sam

Warnings: explicit wincest, anal play, etc.

Disclaimer: I own the plot and that’s it…well as much of a plot as can come with a pwp…no pun intended. The title and song mentioned is owned by prodigy, and the boys are owned by kripke. Enjoy!

p.s. I wrote this in church…ironic no?

Dean did not know how he ended up here, but somehow…somehow he was at a gay bar…with his brother…who was currently dancing on one of the speaker boxes high above other men who were watching him as if they’d been starved for a week.

It was not his idea, believe him, but when Sammy turned those big puppy dog eyes on him, he just couldn’t help but do anything the manipulative man wanted…somehow including going to a gay bar.

“Please Dean, I promise I’ll behave! We can leave at one a.m. and be back at the motel in enough time to catch some sleep before we hit the road!”

“Sam. I said no. One a.m. is too late to be staying out. Especially since we have a job to do in the morning.”

“Oh…Ok.” Sam looked hurt, and barely concealed it. Sam started to walk away slowly and dejected, looking for all the world like a kicked puppy.

“Sam.” It came quietly, through clenched teeth.

“Yes?” still small but slightly hopeful.

“12:30 a.m. and that’s my final offer.”

“But that’s only three hours away you-“

“Take it or leave it baby brother.” Dean warned.

Sam considered this for a moment and then lunged at Dean, and kissed him thoroughly on the mouth, before getting ready to hit the club.

‘Oh yeah.’ Dean thought with a scowl that was even evident in his mind, ‘That’s how this happened.’

Dean’s mind snapped back out of his little daydream and his attention was once again averted to Sam.

Dean clutched the back of the bar and sucked in air as his knees went weak watching Sam’s tight, low-riding jeans stuck to his ever rotating hips to the beat of ‘Baby’s Got a Temper’ by Prodigy.  Left first, then right two times, and then a circle twice and maybe a dip and bend if Sam was feeling adventurous. Again his hips started the entrancing pattern, left first, then right two times, and then a circle twice with a bend and dip.

Now Dean would’ve been fine with just enjoying the show for about another hour and half, but then suddenly he was not so fine with how things were going. He saw blinding red flash in front of his eyes as a man tucked a bill into Sam’s pants and then tried to cop a few feels. HIS SAMMY.

Angry now, Dean went over…sprinted over…to the spectacle and immediately grabbed Sam off the speaker and put his whole body over his shoulder as to carry him out.

“Dean! What are you doing?”

“Hey asshole, he was a little busy if you couldn’t tell…although with a sweet ass like his, you couldn’t miss it. So would you mind?”

Sam was on his feet in an instant, and Dean was over to the guy in a flash.

“You say something about him like that again and kick your ass so hard, your ancestors will be feeling it. Understood?”

“Whatever.” The man said gruffly and took his crumpled shirt in his hand and tugged it out of Dean’s.

For good measure Dean glared at the man before picking Sam up again and walking out of the bar and towards the impala.

Sam’s muffled ‘put me down’s and ‘stop this’ could be heard from over Dean’s shoulder but Dean wasn’t really paying attention. He threw open the back door to the impala and shoved Sam into it, before sliding in and closing the door behind him.

“Dean!” Sam’s accusing gaze almost made him feel guilty…almost. “What the hell was that about?”

“Tell me what you dancing on the speakers for all those men was about, and you just might get your explanation.”

“I have a right to dance! Especially since you refused!”

“Shut up you little shit. It’s my turn to talk now.”

Now Dean had always been just a little commanding and forceful towards Sam, but never this much usually, and Sam…was very nervous at the tone in Dean’s voice.

“Sam…Sammy…can you tell me something?” not steely anymore, but sickly sweet, Dean’s new tone didn’t do anything to ease Sam’s mood.

“W-what?” Sam stuttered, and he mentally slapped himself in the face. He was acting like he was twelve again when Dean would pick on him for still having his childhood ‘baby fat’.

“Can you tell me,” Dean said, sliding closer, and then snatched Sam’s blood red tank top over his neck and behind his back and bound Sam’s hands together in one quick smooth movement…the reflexes of a hunter. His voice changed back to steel, except this time Dean was leaning in close to his ear and biting to punctuate his point. “Why. You. Were. Dancing. As if. You hadn’t. Gotten laid. In weeks?”

“I can’t…help how I dance…Dean.” Sam replied, defiance still evident, but he was exposing his neck now so Dean could get a better angle.

“The fuck you can’t.” Dean growled and he turned Sam, still bound by his own shirt, over on the seat and was immediately on him, their bodies flush together and Dean beginning to rotate his hips.

“Dean what the-“


You could hear the music still blaring from the club and Dean was moving his hips in time.

A few seconds…maybe minutes passed and it seemed like with each passing second Sam couldn’t help the growing erection now threatening to rip through the cloth of the impala. Dean would be pissed…but Sam didn’t care right now.

“Dean what are you doing? Can we just talk-“

“But Sammy,” Dean cut him off, using a mocking tone, he leaned in close and licked Sam’s ear, “I can’t help how I dance.”

Sam groaned and then frowned.

“This is….soo…not fair!...UGH!”

Sam cried out as Dean was now thrusting into him from behind, and even through all the layers of clothes between them he could feel Dean’s massive…arousal. Dean placed a hand under Sam’s stomach and then lifted them both back into a kneeling position, the impala’s roof barely tall enough to handle the height of Sam kneeling on the seat. Still, even with Dean’s shorter height, they both knew who was in control here. The hand on his stomach moved sensuously down to his grown and played with his balls through the material. Sam was thrusting with abandon into the hand that was covering his prick.

“Dean…” Sam groaned, “Why are you doing this here? Can’t we go back to the motel and-“

“Did dad let you say what happened during your punishments? Because you don’t get to choose where and how you’re punished, the last time I checked.” Dean’s sweet tone contrasting his angry movements, hips still rotating tantalizingly against Sam’s ass.

“Punished?” Sam grunted in between make-shift thrusts, “What the…fuck…are you…punishing me for?”

Air was knocked out of his lungs and he had to grab onto the door just to keep his head from being knocked against the door. Dean had stopped massaging his nether regions, and was now licking and biting, a bit hard Sam might add, at the little crevices and sensitive spots of his back. Sam could feel that patterns that Dean was currently tracing with his tongue, and came to realize that the word ‘mine’ was being lazily tongued on his back. Sam tried not to squirm or giggle at the ticklish sensation he got from the warm tongue.

“Little brother,” Dean’s voice was muffled as he licked the area where his brother’s back ended and his ass began. He slid up and was now kissing and biting his neck, while still grinding his hips. “You ever allow yourself to be watched by a pack of horny gay men, and then have one of them pay you and touch you…”

Sam’s impatient now. “Yeah?”

“I’ll fuck you so hard, you’ll feel like my dick is still inside you five months afterwards. Got it?”

“Ugh” Sam cried out, “Oh god…you’re…jealous!”

“Jealous? No. Horny yes.”

“Dean, you’re…’ugh’ jealous!” Sam said in between labored breaths and grunts.

“I prefer the term,” Dean pauses and licks the shell of Sam’s ear, “Possessive.”

Just as Dean was about to unbuckle his pants and show his brother just how possessive he was, Sam tried to buck him off.

“Dean, not here, let’s just go back to-“

Sam was effectively cut off and the air knocked out of him as Dean slid out of the door and pulled Sam right out behind him. Then Dean pushed Sam onto the hood of the car and leaned his chest against his brother’s back.

“Fuck ‘em,” he whispered, “Let them watch as I pound into your tight little ass.”

Sam could only whimper in response.

Dean undid Sam’s and his pants and slid them around each of their respective ankles. He then bent down and Sam expected him to be getting some lube and condoms from his pockets, but then he felt it. It. A hot, warm, wet sensation that was dragging along the sides of his ass. Dean played around a little, biting and licking his way around Sam’s perfect globes, and then he went for it; the grand prize. He swirled his tongue playfully around the sweaty hole, and then dug into it all the way, as far as his tongue could go. He thrust in and out, in and out repeatedly.

“Oh god…Dean…fuck me already!”

Dean smirked at his brother’s sudden change of heart, but stood up to oblige. The excitement and audacity of what they were about to do…or rather what he was about to do to Sam…in public was enough to have his adrenaline system working overtime. As he took aim and held onto Sam’s hips, Dean could already feel the tightness that was Sam and knew that out of all the times they’d fucked…and they had to have been well into the quadruple digits by now…this was going to rank as a top favorite.

‘Ah!’ Sam winced. Though this was far from his first time, it still hurt a little each time anyway. Not to mention the fact that Dean hadn’t used proper lube or a condom, a first for them.

Shortly after, Sam realized he could feel Dean’s balls resting against the backs of his thighs and he took a deep breath, feeling his brother incased inside of him. Knowing that his lover and brother was fully inside of him to the hilt made Sam’s pleasure intensify ten-fold.

“That’s right Sammy,” Dean whispered from above, his voice no longer steely, but full of love and wonder, “I’m all the way inside of you now. We’re one.”

“Oh god Dean.” That did it. Sam began to pierce his insides with his brother’s cock. A slow, steady, and still building rhythm was being established.

The song was still playing from when Sam had been dancing and they had set their rhythm to the beat. Beat beat. Beat. Beat beat. Beat. Beat beat. Beat.

Dean was enjoying the little game of ‘keep the tempo’ and leant down to his brother.

“You enjoying yourself Sammy? Enjoying getting fucked in front of an audience? Hard and rough by your own brother?” at the hitch in Sam’s breath he continued, “Yeah baby, I know that’s always turned you on…the fact that we’re related. You’re a really kinky son-of-a-bitch you know that?”

Sam stuck his head up defiantly, “No…more…than…you are…asshole.” With that he thrust back to meet Dean’s hips to deepen the sensations.

“They’re all watching you Sam. All waiting for the climax of our little show. Be my good little slut and don’t disappoint them.”

The impala was shaking back and forth at their efforts, and each thrust was punctuated with a grunt from one brother or another…or both. Dean laced his fingers through Sam’s on both of his hands, face down on either side of their bodies on the impala.

“Here it comes Sammy,” Dean whispered, with the excitement of a home run in a baseball game, “Get ready baby, get ready.”

The pace increased dramatically and Sam was being jack hammered now.

‘’Oh, Oh god…jesus Christ!”

With not so much as another grunt, they were each thrown into their own blissful contentment that was orgasm, Dean’s going inside Sam and Sam’s going onto the impala, splattered and smushed between his jeans and the car.

For a second that spanned an eternity they just lay there with Dean on top of Sam’s back, breathing heavily, eyes unfocused and smiles on their faces.

“Dean…” Sam muttered.


“Get off me…”

“Weren’t complaining a second ago.”

“A second ago, the heat of our fuck was enough to keep me warm…but it’s 1 a.m. and my balls are fucking freezing against this car.”

Dean laughed and disengaged himself from his brother. After pulling up their pants, they each turned to look at their crowd. The club had closed down, so nearly everyone was there, and they were…applauding…except for a grumpy looking customer that the boys recognized as the guy trying to get a little action from Sam earlier.

Sam randomly walks away from Dean and towards the crowd and over to the man.

“Thanks doll. Couldn’t have gotten a better reaction. Here’s your tip.” Sam said, and the echo of it was hear across the parking lot to Dean.

All Dean could do was stare at Sam with his mouth agape as his little brother slid smugly into the car and shut the door without so much as a backward glance. Dean all but ran to the drivers side and got in, slamming the door.

“You paid that motherfucker to hit on you?”

“What can I say Dean? My baby’s got a temper…and when you’re angry, that’s when the fucking is the best.” Sam replied coyly and leaned in and smothered Dean with a kiss.

Dean sat for a second after the kiss just looking at the conniving man he loved. After a little while longer of silence Dean finally looked away, and started the engine. Shifting into gear he simply stated: “You’re cleaning the car before we leave in the morning.”



A/N: ok, so not the most original, and I’m not sure that I really like how I did it, but it was rushed…and at church…

Plus it was my first piece of SPN Slash EVER. So be proud. Lol.

Read and review!


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