Title: Ghost
Fandom: Sweeney Todd
Characters: Sweeney Todd, Nellie Lovett
Prompt: #42 Paranormal
Word Count: 100
Rating: T
Summary: Sweeney Todd claims he is a ghost.
Disclaimer: All I own is a computer.
He says he's not whole any longer, not without Lucy. He says he's a ghost, not a man.
She knows better.
No ghost could seize her in his arms; a ghost's touch passes right through humans. No ghost could groan and murmur in her ear; a ghost's sounds aren't heard by humans.
No ghost could trap her lips in his.
Not that he needs to trap her lips, as though she would try to escape if he didn't: there's nowhere she ever wants to be more than the prison of his body.
A ghost could certainly never hold her captive.