(#37 - survive) Supernatural - Dean Winchester

Nov 04, 2010 23:29

Title: Guns are Sexy
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Dean, ofc
Prompt: 37 - survive
Word Count: 111
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Dean comes to the rescue.
Disclaimer: I own nothing Supernatural.
Notes: None

There was a crash like thunder as the door burst in. I was distracted from my horrific situation momentarily as I glanced at the man who had burst into my nightmare. Senses slowed by fear and pain, I could only watch as he stepped between me and my worst fear come to life.

I'd never been a fan of guns. My dad and his brothers had hunted but none of my friends, as I was growing up or was adult, had taken to that particular hobby. But, when my hero drew and fired three shots into my tormentor, there was nothing sexier than him and his weapon.

Then, I blacked out.

author: my_sam_dean, fandom: supernatural

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