Avatar: the Last Airbender/#32. Abducted

May 27, 2010 12:48

Title: Tom Tom
Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender
Characters: Mai, Azula, Tom Tom
Prompt: 32. Abducted
Word Count: 184
Rating: PG
Summary: Tom Tom’s abduction was the beginning of the end, even if nobody really knew it yet.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Link: My Table

It was in that moment, when Azula made it clear that she wasn’t going to do much of anything to rescue Tom Tom, that Mai really started to hate the princess. Not that she let that traitorous thought show past her carefully maintained apathy.

It wasn’t that she liked Tom Tom or anything; he was small and noisy and smelly. But… he mattered to Mai, not that she’d ever admit that to anyone, ever.

And she really couldn’t stand how worked up her parents were getting over Tom Tom being gone. Something had to be done about that, before it drove her nuts, or drove Azula to do something to her father out of irritation. Though, to tell the truth, she’d be more likely to do something to Mai’s parents because she thought it was funny.

author: fullmetal_cute, fandom: avatar the last airbender

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