Title: Garlic and Brimstone
Fandom: The Dresden Files (tv-verse/AU)
Characters: Winifred, Harry
Prompt: 14. Morgue
Word Count: 208
Rating: G
Summary: Winifred lends Harry a 'hand'.
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files don't belong to me.
Notes: AU. Written for
kiffie, in response to a fic meme.
"Aw, Hell."
"There does seem to be a hint of brimstone along with the garlic," Winifred agreed, silently gliding into the kitchen.
With a squeal of ancient metal, Harry opened the oven door. "Winifred, c'mon," he pleaded. "Help me out here."
"There is a pitcher of water on the counter."
"You know what I mean." He cast her an injured look while waving away at the evidence of his time-mismanagement. "I wanted to prove to Bob that I don't always burn the garlic bread. I just got a little, you know, distracted."
"Is that what you call shrieking at the television for the last several minutes and then spilling an entire bottle of ale on the carpeting? Truthfully, I do not know why Hrothbert hasn't already come to investigate."
Harry rubbed his face. "The Blackhawks got a breakaway goal. They needed that goal! I sorta got excited."
"'Sorta' excited?" Winifred teased then relented after a moment, taking pity on him. "Very well, Harry. I think I might know a way to occupy his attention while you--" Her lips quirked up at the corner and she nodded to the refrigerator. "--Get new bread in the oven."
In considerable relief, Harry smiled back. "Thanks, Winifred. I owe ya one."