Title: The Warning
Fandom: One Piece
Characters: Kaya, mentions of Usopp
Prompt: Table #3, Prompt #37 (Paranoid)
Word Count: 221
Rating: PG
Summary: Kaya dreams of Usopp after he desperately tries to tell her that pirates really are coming this time.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
The Warning
Kaya dreams of Usopp that night.
She dreams of him telling her stories that make her laugh, stories that are so fun and so ridiculous that no one would ever even think of believing them. She sees that smile of his that always reaches his eyes and everything is all right. No one's sending him away. No one's trying to separate them forever and ever--and she thinks that this is how it should always be.
But Kaya's peaceful sleep is interrupted, and her eyes open to darkness eventually. She wonders why, because she's so tired, so drained, and she needs this rest now more than ever. She swears that she hears someone yelling in pain, someone screaming from terror, and she swears she hears the sound of something crashing to the ground and shattering into a million pieces. She thinks she's just paranoid about what Usopp had said to her the previous day, and so, she allows the dream world to consume her once more--but this time, it's different.
She imagines him warning her about how the pirates really are coming this time and how they want to kill her and she imagines his bloodshot eyes and she imagines him attacking the ones she loves the most just to try to reach her, but she thinks nothing of it.