Title: Bounce
Fandom: Dresden Files (crossover with Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog)
Characters: Harry Dresden, Doctor Horrible, brief appearance by Elaine
Prompt: #002--Bounce
Word Count: 696
Rating: PG
Summary: Dresden heads out to LA
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files belong to Jim Butcher; Doctor Horrible's Sing Along Blog belongs to Joss Whedon
Table of Prompts:
here I’ve worked with a long list of strange materials over the years with an even stranger list of rules of usage. You can only infuse things with sunlight when you’re truly happy; don’t spill troll’s blood on the answering machine if you want either of them to work tomorrow; do not bounce the wonderflonium.
I don’t often get the opportunity to travel-I’m busy with clients most of the time, if I’m lucky, and when there’s not that, well, there’s always the war effort-but sometimes I get called away. Usually, I don’t get out of the Midwest, and I certainly don’t end up in California often. Depending on how serious the situation is, either Elaine or Ramirez can handle it. But, as luck would have it, they were both busy saving lives and protecting the innocent, so when things in LA got a little strange, things fell to me.
Normally, we would overlook things like the robbing of banks and the theft of unusual substances, but when people start building death rays and terrorizing the general public, well, that’s when someone’s got to step in.
When I finally caught up with him, the notorious Doctor Horrible was…not what I had expected. To say the least.
“Have you looked at the world recently?” The small man gesticulated with one hand as he spoke, the other one occupied with holding some device straight out of a bad science fiction flick-complete with peeling masking tape with the words ‘freeze ray v. 2.0’ written in in permanent marker-- steady. “The world is a mess-you can’t expect me to play by the rules!”
“Actually, I kind of can,” I tried to keep my voice calm and soothing as I edged closer to the good Doctor, “terror is no way to change the world.”
“Terror?” Doctor Horrible focused on me with a laser-like gaze. I couldn’t tell if the expression on his face was one of hurt confusion or outright anger, “I am not a terrorist. I’m a liberator, a freedom fighter! If you want terrorists, look at the people in power, look at what they’re doing to the world! How are we supposed to trust them?”
“And you think people should trust you instead?” I let the frustration and anger I was feeling slip into my voice as I prepared to activate one of my force rings. “At least most of those people aren’t murderers.”
I expected my statement to send the other man into a rage, which would give me an opportunity to disarm him without harming him or the surrounding buildings. Instead, the Doctor’s shoulders drooped, the light went out of his eyes, and his free hand clenched so tightly that I could hear the material strain under the pressure.
It wasn’t what I was looking for, but it was an opportunity all the same.
I rushed to close the gap between us at the same time I extended my will, hexing the freeze ray, version two point oh, into a mass of useless scrap metal. I don’t know whether it was my sudden surge forward or the sparks arcing from the device that roused him from his reverie. All I know is that before I could reach him, Doctor Horrible had pulled something from the device and jumped up onto a nearby bus stop bench.
The whatever-it-was was an oddly pearlescent white sphere that appeared to smoke in Doctor Horrible’s gloved hand, contrasting sharply against the deep red of his lab coat.
“As fun as this has been, I think it’s about time we put this conversation on ice.”
The tips of my fingers brushed the hem of his coat as he threw the sphere down toward the ground. I saw it fall out of my peripheral vision, but I was more focused on getting a better hand hold on the Doctor and dragging him down to the ground.
Then it bounced.
The next thing I knew, the sun was setting and Elaine Mallory was standing over me, apparently defrosting me, if the ice still covering my duster and holding my legs in place was any indication.
Another glorious victory for Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden.