Title: Cauterized
Prompt: #12- Blood
Characters:Janet-centric, slight Janet/Daniel
Word count: 1353
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: S7 Heroes Part 1 and 2
Summary: Mr. Emmett Bregman interviews Janet and Daniel about what happens around the base. Janet talks about her patients, and Daniel talks about being under fire. If only the people filming realized it was all too real.
Author's Note:I've written this awhile ago, but just typed it up now. I realize that throughout the episode, everyone was avoiding answering questions, but I put in some extra 'interview time' where Daniel and Janet do talk a bit more. Not beta read.
"There's too much blood! There's too much blood!" Lt. Wells screamed as Daniel tended to him.
"Calm down. We're taking care of this. Dr. Frasier is here; you're going to be okay." Daniel with an assuring tone. It was unusual how used to these situations he had become. And how accustomed he'd grown to lying.
24 hours before:
"So, what is your role on SG-1?" Emmett Bregman asked.
"Well, I'm normally the translator, liason, whatever they need me for. Occasionally, we'll discover a few ruins from an ancient civilization, and though Colonel O'Neill will complain, I spend a few days there, salving their nearly forgotten cultures and see what we can learn from them."
"Uhuh. I also understand that you're not military. How does that work?"
"I still follow the Colonel's orders and back him up if he's under fire. It's not a different relationship except I'm not liable to court martial. I could get fired, but that would never happen."
"Why is that?"
"Why? Because why would I jeopardize the best job I've ever had? It's incredible. I mean, I've been trying to date these set of ruins to correlate it with the cultures of the Mayans and Egyptians, and, and this job is-it's obvious, it's a wonder we didn't realize there were civilizations out there sooner."
"So, tell me about what you do when under fire?"
"We assess the situation, then act. But no matter what, we don't leave anyone behind."
"That's great, yea. What if they've been shot and you can't get to them?"
"We try very hard to prevent that, but everyone's been trained to take cover, and they have med kits for temporary relief." Daniel was getting wary of these questions about military procedure, but at least this guy wasn't reading off his files anymore. They didn't need to talk about his 'glowing' form or what people went through to see that happen. The next question snapped Daniel out of his thoughts.
"So, you've never left anyone behind?"
Daniel thinks about it and answers carefully, "Not if we can help it. But there have been men and women who couldn't make it home. It's obviously something we don't take lightly, so when it happens, it means there is no other way." Daniel really didn't want to answer any more questions.
Mr. Bregman sensed this, thanked Daniel, and left to interview someone else.
"Dr. Frasier, Janet. May I call you Janet?"
"Yeah, sure." She smiled genuinely.
"Now, you obviously deal with the medical issues in this facility, and you're the most qualified here. How do you prepare for this sort of thing?"
She shook her head and gave a small laugh. "We're all qualified here. And there is no training in the world that could prepare us for what we do here. We can only rely on the medical knowledge we know and work from there. We basically improvise, a lot."
"You've got some medical records right there." He pointed to a stack of files on the table next to her. "You must have tended to everyone here. What is your relationship with those people, your patients?"
"They are my fellow officers and friends, and though some see me more than others, everyone is dear to me. I think medical records say a lot about a person. Everyone is mostly healthy due to their military background, but sometimes we cannot fight our biology. For example," she continues as she picks up the top file, "this airman has received multiple migraines due to gate travel, yet he's only been injured a few times. I think this shows great endurance and ability. I have great respect for these soldiers and I take great pride in taking care of them. I'm like their nagging mother who takes care of her children, even when they like to hide the fact that they've been hurt." Another laugh escapes her smiling lips and then she blushes.
"Gosh, I'm sorry, I seem to be rambling on."
"No, no, it's great." Emmett gave his best crooked smile. She has wonderful presence on camera he thought to himself. "Please go on."
"Ah-well, I am also a doctor, so I take the Hippocratic oath very seriously. Also, I leave no man or woman behind; if I can help them till the end, I use all of the power and will I have for that person to survive."
Emmett nodded. "Yes, it's a very important motto for everyone. On that line of thought, who's had the most 'close calls?' "
"Ah, that would be our most front-lined team, SG-1."
"Who specifically? Or do they all around the same?"
Janet grinned, "Well, Daniel, uh, Dr. Jackson. He tends to be more-curious, let's say, than the others. It's his nature really, but he does have a pretty thick medical file. He even died once." Janet said that last sentence with a little reservation, because that event caused her a lot of pain.
"But you saved him." Emmett felt like he needed to say that, even though he knew he ascended. It wasn't a complete lie; Daniel was back after all.
"No, I didn't." Janet's smile faltered.
Emmett motioned for the cameramen to stop recording. "I'm sorry , I-"
"It's ok. He's back now, so the whole experience was definitely surreal and..." Janet nodded and gave a weak smile.
Emmett apologized again. "Thank you so much for speaking with us today."
Janet recovered from the mood quickly, "No problem."
Staff blasts were heard very close to where they were. Out in the open, it was hard to find cover, and they couldn't move Lt. Wells quite yet. Daniel was videotaping him when the blast came out of nowhere. Daniel knew the day would come when he'd have to face death, and he thought he had, but this blind-sided him completely. He'd thought he was the one who got hit, yet he felt no pain, but then it did hit him. Janet had been hit.
In blurred methodical movements, he tried to tend to two people at once. At that very moment, he would have given anything to hear Janet screaming, "Oh my God, there's so much blood," but nothing. Just silence. No blood; cauterized wound.
Janet's interview aired during the midway point of the video.
"We deal with unpredictable situations every day, yet we keep our heads straight and we do what we know we can. I know that when people come in with blast wounds or strange toxins, I can only do so much to help, but I am prepared nonetheless. Furthermore, when it does get grim, I am reminded of the grander picture, that my skills to heal the sick will extend to these men and women who have done their duty as I am doing mine. I'm scared and excited for every new day, but I know people are out there fighting for our little planet, so when they come home, I have to fight for them too."
And then Janet smiles, wider than ever.
Emmett paused the tape for a second and asked General Hammond, "Is this okay, or should I...?"
General Hammond, holding back his tears, said, "It's fine, Mr. Bregman. You did well. Please continue."
Daniel watched the video straight through and didn't say a word.
He nodded to Emmett once and left the room. Emmett ran after him to see if he was okay, and to ask if the video was good enough, for...Janet, he supposes, and Daniel turns around.
"It's good for the families of the deceased to know what their loved ones died for, and that they were in caring hands. It's a good tribute. Uh, I gotta go." Daniel reaches for the bridge of his nose, pushing his glasses up, and walks away.
All he can think about is all the blood that's been spilled, even before the video was made. He wishes that the video could somehow reach those families now. He wishes there didn't need to be blood. And then he realizes that it was appropriate that Janet left the way she did.
No blood, just cauterized wound.