Title: Liberty and the Pursuit
Fandom: The Dresden Files (tv-verse)
Characters: Bob, Harry
Prompt: 06. Resign
Word Count: 760
Rating: G
Summary: Harry has a cunning plan.
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files do not belong to me. Just passing through.
Here There be Ghosts (
Liberty and the Pursuit )
Comments 8
Oh, yeahhh. Harry's on the job and he's stubborn as hell. :)
Very nice fic!
(Do I get cursed for saying it reminds me of Aladdin seeting Genie free in the Disney movie?)
(And no curses for the analogy. Honest.)
Also, I liked the mention of the book-verse yeah for romance novels . Also, yes I would so love to see if he ever succeeded, but alas, I have seen few of those. Not that I'm hinting, at all, slightly, a bit, maybe. :)
You know, at the very least, it would have been nice if SciFi could have ordered a full season (22 episodes). They were already building on the relationship between Harry and Bob by WAB and TTGB ... a few more episodes and they very well could have touched on the topic of Harry thinkinking of what he could do to help Bob. I mean, it isn't until half-way through the few episodes they did film that Harry even realizes why Bob was cursed.
And yay for your noticing my little book-verse reference. I'm trying more and more to sneak book-verse into my tv-verse fics, even though they're really two different creatures with a few similarities.
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