Title: Between the Lines
Fandom: The Dresden Files (tv-verse)
Characters: Bob, young Harry
Prompt: 11. Text
Word Count: 2,226
Rating: PG
Summary: Harry learns the difference between fact with fiction.
Disclaimer: The Dresden Files do not belong to me; just passing through.
Here There be Ghosts.
Between the Lines )
Comments 2
Though yes, the idea of tearing up even that book sets my teeth on edge. Better, perhaps, to point by point compile a refutation of the work and bind it into the book as well? But I am a librarian's daughter. I must concede that ripping the book sheaf from binding would undoubtedly be much more satisfying to a young Harry.
Your Harry is so in character! Awkward bumbling, rightous anger and sheepish apology in all. It's sweet. And Bob is so cute... I can just see him getting all teary-eyed when Harry goes off on his rant. 'Tis magnificent, my dear!
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