Title: Musings
Fandom: M*A*S*H
Pairing, etc: Hawkeye, implied Hawkeye/Trapper
Prompt: 001. Beginnings
Word Count: 237
Rating: Everyone
Author's Notes: It’s a bit rambling, but then, so is Hawkeye. Thanks, as with all my fics, goes to
sarcasticsra for the beta.
The heat was one of the first things Hawkeye noticed about Korea. It was stifling, almost enough to get him to sneak right back on the plane. Instead, he complained.
The heat and the retina-searing sun were his first topics. He had no idea that, in a few short months, he’d be wishing for the heat as he huddled under thin Army-issue blankets and burned anything he could in an ancient stove.
Shoddy operating conditions ranked pretty high on the list. When he arrived at the 4077, it hadn’t been established long. Pre-op and the OR had apparently been the first buildings assembled and used. The mess tent had come soon after, though Hawkeye would contend it had never been used to serve food. The OR, though…The dirt floor and crowded conditions were every civilian surgeon’s nightmare, perfect breeding grounds for bacteria.
One thing he couldn’t complain about was the nursing staff. They were the best, and most were plenty friendly with the surgeons-except the ever-luscious Dish, but that turned into a game.
There was one other constant in this new, foreign place he couldn’t complain about. A best friend, someone to lean on and keep him sane. First-rate surgeon and drinking buddy, tent mate and prankster. Even a sidekick, though he suspected Trapper might deck him if he ever said it. Anything more was inevitable in this alien land of scorching sun and pretty nurses.