Title: Patrick's Day
Fandom: Beyond the Western Sea - Avi
Characters: Mr. O'Connell, Mrs. O'Connell, Maura
Prompt: 029. Birth
Word Count: 116
Rating: G
Summary: Mr. O'Connell meets his son.
Author's Notes: None
Gregory O'Connell sits outside his home. Nearby, his little daughter laughs and plays with the other children of the village. A precious girl, he thinks to himself.
A woman steps out of the hut. "Mr. O'Connell, come inside." He calls Maura's name and she comes toddling after.
Annie O'Connell leans against a wall. Her hair sticks to her sweaty face. The babe she holds coos softly. "You have a son," she says.
He lifts up his second-born. "A fine family we have. And born on Sunday, too." Annie smiles. Gregory turns to Maura. “See your brother.”
Her blue eyes study him. "What's his name?"
Her father looks at her mother. "Patrick," she says. "Maura and Patrick."