Constantine - General Movie - 96.Writer's Choice

Jun 29, 2010 19:22

Title: Stake Out
Fandom: Constantine
Characters: John, Chas
Prompt: #96 - Writer's Choice
Word Count: 100
Rating: PGish
Summary: John and Chas talk about God.
Author's Notes: I do not own Constantine or any of its characters. This is also being used for charloft's 100 Drabbles of Summer Prompt #75 - Kid in Goggles picture prompt.

“Do you think God exists?” Chas asked as he sat in the car with John on what seemed to be the longest hour of the stake out.

“Yes,” John replied. “Balance, remember?”

“Yeah,” Chas said with a yawn. “It just seems like he could fix this all with a thought.”

“And we’d be out of a job,” John replied with a gruff voice.

“Good point,” Chas said as he took a sip of Red Bull. “If you were God, where would you be on Earth?”

“Corner of First and Amistad,” John replied without thinking as he lit up another cigarette.

constantine: general movie

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