Title: Hard Knocks.
Fandom: It's been a bad week.
Characters: Steve Punt, Hugh Dennis.
Prompt: 088, School.
Word Count: 150.
Rating: PG.
Summary: Another one inspired by an actual Bad Week episode and also the BBC's credo 'inform, educate, entertain'.
Disclaimer: None of the events depicted herein actually happened. Although this story is about real people the story itself is fictional and is not intended as a comment on the people depicted.
'Experience is a great teacher.' Hugh commented mildly as they sat back and re-read the script.
'Do you think it likely that young Freijk is ever going to get covered in orange paint courtesy of exploding banknote security devices?' Steve asked in a disbelieving tone.
'Well, you never know and if it does at least this time he'll know not to take all his clothes off and jump in the canal. And of course in the meantime we can have a laugh at his expense, all the while being able to claim that it's not only entertaining and informative but that it could very well be educational. Who knows how many people out there could learn a valuable lesson from our Dutch friend's misfortune?' Hugh's straight-faced manner dissolved into a smirk at that last sentance.
'Very efficient.' Steve stoically praised his friend, poker face in place before it and he both cracked up.