Stargate Atlantis. Laura Cadman/Major Lorne. #015 Blue

Jan 17, 2009 00:18

Title: I will stay
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Cadman/Lorne
Prompt: 015 Blue
Word Count: 1.211
Rating: K+
Summary: The world has been saved again, but she knows of at least one man for whom it could have ended for all he knows.
Author's Notes: First of all, thanks to mackenziesmomma  for betaing this although she keeps having this little "UCMJ!" voice in her head ;) Second: Yeah, okay, technically this isn't SGA, since "The Road Not Taken" was an SG1-episode (but a damn fine one, and not only because a certain Major looked very hot in it), but let's all not be nitpicks, right? Anyway, I've had this dormant RNT bunny ever since watching it, and then along came "The Fine Art of Self-Destruction" by triplesnap over on sg_rarepairings  (great story!) and the dormant bunny became a live one. Which produced lots of other little bunnies... so, question: Does anyone want me to do another Fanfic100 piece in this universe or something multi-chaptered? Or none at all? Tell me. And here's the LDT.

( I will stay )
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