Harry Potter: Helga Hufflepuff (23/100)

Aug 11, 2008 23:37

Title: Idea
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: All four Founders
Prompt: #1 Beginnings
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Hey, what a concept.

"Accidental magic again!" Godric shook his head in despair. "I hate to say it, but I'm beginning to see why Muggles find their magical offspring unnerving. I wish we could collect them all for a few years and get things sorted out."

"Not practical," Salazar said. "For any number of reasons. Before you glare at me, let me point out most wizards quail at the idea of multiple apprentices."

"So," Helga said, "we should start a school, but put it somewhere out of the way?"

They all stared, and then Rowena kissed her soundly on the cheek. "Helga, you're brilliant."

harry potter: helga hufflepuff

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