Title Waltz
Fandom Linkin Park, Brad/Chester
Rating PG
Summary Brad can't bring himself to lie
Prompt #066, Rain
Chester dances on the roof of their apartment building in the rain. And at first this could be because of the drugs, but when Brad goes up to confront him about it Chester is more lucid than ever. His eyes are bright and alive, and his laugh comes easily. He hurries over to Brad and drags him over to the edge and they stand there, side by side, staring out over the city.
“Doesn’t this feel great?” Chester says. “The water on your skin. It’s like being cleansed.”
Brad doesn’t tell him that this is probably acid rain, instead he takes Chester’s hand in his and squeezes briefly.
“When I was high, this is how everything felt. I didn’t know life could be this good sober.”
Brad doesn’t tell him that when he was high he was a mess, that nobody wanted to stand on rooftops in the rain with him back then.
“I don’t know,” Chester says, “Maybe it’s just the rain.”
Brad doesn’t want to spoil this for him, to tell him that he’s cold and they should maybe go back inside.
“Maybe it’s you,” Chester says. “When I’m around you I feel safer. I feel important.”
Brad doesn’t want to tell him that when they’re together he feels on edge, like at any moment Chester might pull some stunt.
“I love you.” Chester says.
And Brad just can’t bring himself to lie, so instead he pulls Chester to his chest so they’re face-to-face. He takes Chester’s hand and lifts it to between their shoulders, their other hands going to each other’s waist.
And instead of saying anything Brad plays along, and waltzes across the rooftop with Chester in his arms. Soaked to the bone from probably acid rain. And they laugh.