Disclaimer: I own neither Without A Trace, nor the characters involved. They belong to Warner Brothers Television. I make no money from these works, they are for entertainment purposes only.
Title: "Anchorage"
Fandom: Without A Trace
Character: Martin Fitzgerald
Prompt: #69 Thunder
Word Count: 8,150 (approx)
Rating: R (language)
Spoilers: Up to and including 6x03 "Res Ipsa"
Credits: Thank you
squeelated and
jennukes for the beta.
Author's Notes:: This took me forever to write, I don't know why. I started right after "Res Ipsa" originally aired (I couldn't rewatch, my DVD recorder had an electronic meltdown before I could finalise the disc), and by the time I finally finished, we were halfway through the season and into the writers' strike. So, if you can, harken back to that episode and ignore all that came after… not that it's that significant.
What took so long? A Road map to the Explored Territories