Title: Children
Fandom: Discworld
Characters: Carcer Dun
Prompt: 028. Children
Word Count: 218
Rating: PG
Summary: Carcer always thought he had a way with children.
Author's Notes: from Carcer's POV; orignially written for Muse Cafe on insanejournal; Carcer (C) Terry Pratchett, assorted relatives (C) TMOH
My dad always said we're all put on this world for some reason or another; you just gotta find out what you're good at. I ain't never been good at much--he told me early on I weren't cut out for butcherin', and I didn't make more'n a few month in the army--but I think I got a real way with kids.
Not that I got any of me own, o'course. Least not that I know about.... Couldn't be havin' with that; I'd never get to have no fun! But me brother's got four now and you'd be hard pressed to say they don't all love their ol' Uncle Carce.
It was me what taught 'em what a hangin' was--back before it was me head for the gallows, that is, haha. They was still real little, so I musta been about eighteen. I guess they heard their dad talkin' about it or something. They couldn't understand it when their mum tried explainin', so I showed 'em with one o' little Sarah's dollies and a bootlace.
I wasn't thinkin' clearly enough to look for her then, the prospect of the thing bein' all but gone, but I'm sure she was cryin' just the same way when she came to see dear Uncle Carcer get hanged for real.