Some steamy, smutty, prompt-cuplets and single fics
(006-Rain & 096-Writer's Choice)
Rainy Afternoon Fandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Prompt: 006 - Rain
Word Count: 1,284
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Klaus really, really hates the rain.
Not Exactly A Roman BathFandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Prompt: 096 - Writer's Choice
Word Count: 636
Rating: R
Summary: An alternate ending to “Rainy Afternoon,” in which things get a little steamy.
Author's Notes: I just didn’t want to delete this.
(030-Death & 027-Parents)
Lady Elizabeth GloriaFandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus, Papa Eberbach
Prompt: 030 - Death
Word Count: 2,466
Rating: R
Warnings: Is it possible to have a death fic that's total crack? Why, yes. Yes, it is.
Summary: Klaus introduces Dorian to his father as his fiancée, Elizabeth. And that’s the least complicated part.
One Hell Of A Morning AfterFandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus, Papa Eberbach
Prompt: 027 - Parents
Word Count: 1,439
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The Major’s father leaves, Dorian learns of his geographical blunder, and Klaus’s brain explodes.
Author's Notes: Alternate ending to “Lady Elizabeth Gloria” in which no one dies.
(081-How? & 033-Too Much)
DisciplineFandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Klaus, Agent Z
Prompt: 081 - How?
Word Count: 1,435
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Perhaps Z should have asked what the Major meant when he said he wanted to give him training in discipline.
Warnings: BDSM, graphic sex, PWP
Dungeons & DorianFandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus, Agent Z
Prompt: 033 - Too Much
Word Count: 3,181
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Eroica breaks into Schloss Eberbach and finds more than a skeleton in a closet.
Warnings: BDSM, graphic sex, threesome, PWP, Klaus abuse
(025-Strangers & 051-Water & 071-Broken)
The Fair StrangerFandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Prompt: 025 - Strangers
Word Count: 2,291
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When Dorian’s flirtatious nature finally becomes too much, Klaus puts an end to their relationship, leaving Dorian to try and pick up the pieces of his old life.
Author's Notes: Bits of the poem “The Fair Stranger” are used throughout because it just screams Dorian.
Splish, SplashFandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Prompt: 051 - Water
Word Count: 368
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Dorian and Klaus take a nice hot steamy shower.
Warnings: Graphic sex, PWP
Going Down?Fandom: From Eroica With Love
Characters: Dorian, Klaus
Prompt: 071 - Broken
Word Count: 850
Rating: NC-17
Summary: What do you do when you’re stuck in an elevator?
Full details and fake cuts under the real cuts.
My Little Damn Table Word count to date: 28,048