Title: a Nasty Surprise.
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Akutagawa Jirou.
Prompt: 77. What?
Word count: 622
Rating: Mature.
Summary: Well. Jirou sees something he did NOT want to see.
Standard disclaimer applies.
77.What? Title: Going Shopping…
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Akutagawa Jirou.
Prompt: 88. School.
Word count: 1068
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Yuushi and Jirou have a heart to heart. Sort of.
Standard disclaimer applies.
88. School. Title: a Phonecall.
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Akutagawa Jirou.
Prompt: 37. Sound.
Word count: 371
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Jirou gets a phonecall.
Standard disclaimer applies.
37. Sound.