Title: The Pocky Project
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Yanagi Renji, Yukimura Seiichi, Yanagi Kana
Prompt: 059. Food
Word Count: 990
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Yukimura thinks Renji needs to get laid. Renji is starting to agree.
Author's Notes: Okay, back to the other story line.
My LDT found
here (
You didn't have any plans with your wife? )
Comments 9
It's a cute story. I really like the familial interactions between Renji and Kana; I loved his little protective streak, too. It was... very real.
Great fic!
I must admit, that's a difficult subject for *anyone* to talk about, especially with a family member. And especially with a family member of the opposite sex, though I think that could be a good thing as long as not too many details are shared. I think in her own way Kana was just offering some roundabout sisterly advice.
As for his protective streak, he's had it since he realized he was stronger and taller than his sister. :) Which was a couple of years ago.
Thanks as always!
And granted, such a subject matter is hard to talk about - especially with a sibling! I thought you handled it very well.
And go protective streaks!
*nods* I'm glad you thought so.
*grins* I think Renji is protective of the girls in his life. as if I haven't proven that over and over again It gives him a little bit of personality.
Current boyfriend = Inui?
Love that Renji is protective when it comes to his sister.
*nods* She's not going to say that though, since he's still in *high school*
Hehe. He's secretly wanting to kill the grabby jerk...if he knew who he was.
That sounds so much like your Renji :)
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