Title: Change
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Characters: Ibu Shinji
Prompt: Writer’s Choice: Not You Year-The Weepies
Word Count: 713
Rating: PG
Summary: “Every day it starts again/And you cannot say if you’re happy”
Author's Notes: Shinji is 18
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It's not easy, but best done away from... everyone and everything familiar. I've done it twice.
Good luck to him; I hope it works out the way he wants it to.
Will it work out? Now, that would be telling :)
Ah... that's why I didn't ask! I never want to know before hand - my mother, on the other hand, always reads the final pages of a book before she starts it.
I can't stand spoilers, myself :) But since this is all going to go up out of order, soon it'll be becoming more chear the path that this will take.
Oh! Meant to tell you--this prompt? Came right from those sprints :)
I'm thinking about making that a permanent chatroom - make an announcement or something somewhere.
I can't wait to read more. :)
*blushes* Considering I have...ummm...86 more to post, I think there will be more for you to read :)
Wahoo! Lots to look forward to, then!
Lot's to look forward to, or lots to possibly be disappointed in, depends on your persepctive :) Speaking as the author...option 2 :-p
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