HP, Alicia/George, #1, Ends

Jan 25, 2007 16:11

Title: It Ended Like It Began
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Alicia Spinnet / George Weasley
Prompt: Ends
Word Count: 1242
Rating: Possibly PG
Summary: A short tale of the romance of Alicia Spinnet and George Weasley. Not an overall happy one.
Author's Notes: This is my first fic here, so hopefully it's kosher!

It ended like it began - in tears and in his arms. It hadn't always been George for Alicia. In fact, it had been quite the opposite. Or at least as opposite as one can be when one is a twin. Fred was the one she'd noticed first. He was the one who always caught her eye. Wherever there was trouble, there was Fred. He flew like it was the last time he'd ever be on a broom; no fear at all. That was the first thing Alicia noticed about Fred. Even with both of the Weasleys as beaters, it was Fred who took charge and George who followed the lead. He stood out. What it was about him, she couldn't say, but he seemed to veritably glow. Even his wrath was a glory to behold, so long as it wasn't directed at her.

She'd only had his wrath directed at her once. It was right before the Yule Ball and Fred had just asked Angelina. She must have seen the crushed look on Alicia's face, as much as Alicia tried to hide it, and later caught her in their room. After Alicia admitted everything, Angelina had no intention of going to the ball with Fred and told him so, though she didn't tell him the real reason why. Dropping a hint that it involved Alicia completely backfired and she soon found herself cornered by a very red-cheeked, angry Fred who rained insults down upon her with such ferocity that it nearly took her breath away. For once, Alicia couldn't fight back.

It was George who found her alone in an empty corridor, curled into a ball and dissolved in tears. To cry was weakness, Alicia had always thought that and she hated for George to see her like that. But he showed no contempt for her state. Instead he wrapped her in his arms, giving her comfort, and dropping a kiss on her forehead amidst his words of reassurance. It was exactly what she needed and exactly what he offered. He held her and let her cry.

When, the next morning, he asked her to the Yule Ball, she immediately accepted, much to Angelina's confusion. "Sometimes we're wrong about people," she replied softly before telling Angelina it was fine to go with Fred. That he meant nothing anymore to her. It was a lie, of course. It still hurt to so much as look at Fred and his half-hearted apology hadn't helped to soothe her wounds at all. Still, it was only George who saw through the façade. He was there to squeeze her hand at breakfast, silently giving his support, and to keep her company in the common room while Angelina and Fred were otherwise occupied. He never asked her questions and she rarely offered answers, but it was enough.

It was after the Yule Ball when she broke again. Alicia had spent all day getting ready, working her dark brown hair into soft curls and applying her make-up as perfectly as she could manage. Nothing ever covered her freckles, but Alicia had accepted that. As she came down, her eyes lighted upon the two Weasley twins, waiting for their date, and she still felt that tug. Casting her eyes down, she walked to George, all but ignoring Fred. George, sensing an opportunity to cheer her up, took well to the task. The ball was a daze of dancing and laughing and punch. George was in top form and, by the end of the night, Alicia was flying high from the exhilaration of it all. When the heat became unbearable and George suggested they take a walk, she jumped at the chance. The cold air was delicious against her skin and, as she closed her eyes, turning her face up to the moon, she felt a soft pair of lips brush against hers. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pressing him tighter. It wasn't until her eyes opened and she caught that familiar flash of red hair that the tears started. Confusion took over and she ran, finding solace in the comfort of her bed.

George understood. He never pressed any further and let Alicia alone with her feelings, but he was a constant source of support. And it was then that Alicia started to realise she shouldn't feel guilty for kissing George. He was the kinder of the two, the more considerate, and the more sympathetic. He was the one who always tried to take care of his brother when Fred went marching off to battle. George was the sensible one, if a Weasley could ever be called sensible, and Alicia had to admit it. She'd chosen the wrong twin.

They grew close in the time left in school and it became obvious to everyone. Where there was Alicia, George was close by. It was never anything they had to declare and never anything that was forced. It just happened. And Alicia was positive that was the best sort of romance. When Fred and George began to discuss leaving school and George told Alicia, she couldn't help but worry. It seemed like the rash sort of thing that Fred would do, but she didn't think George would go along with it. Only Umbridge got worse and worse and she could see them both cracking. There was nothing she could do, and each morning she dreaded it being the last together. And then, it was. As they flew off on their brooms, the rest of the school cheering, Alicia felt a part of her being ripped away. When she got back to her room, she found an envelope on her bed with a locket inside and a note.


Don't worry about distance. As long as you're wearing this, I'm always with you. And you're always in my heart. School will end soon and then we'll be together again.


From that day, the locket never came off, though she never told anyone where it came from. She often fingered the inscription on the back, which simply read in my heart and thought of George. Owls came few and far between, as the reign of Umbridge became even more dictatorial, but Alicia lived for any word from him. And when school ended, her first thought was seeing George. But everything changed in an instant.

Instead of returning home, Alicia was waylaid by the Ministry on the platform and, in an instant, her world shattered. How does one take the news that their family is dead, murdered by the Dark Lord's followers? It was George who kept her together, and when the numbness wore away and turned to tears, he held her, offering that quiet reassurance that she'd grown to love. It was he who convinced her to join him in the Order and, in the final battle, she stood at his side.

It wasn't at all how Alicia had pictured her life but it fit. With George, things felt right. And even at the end, she had hope. It wasn't until she saw that green light strike him in the chest that her world crashed. She fell to the ground, unaware any longer of the battle raging around her, and held his lifeless body in her arms, tears rolling down her cheeks. Cradling him to her, she never saw the flash of green headed for her. And it ended like it began - in tears and in his arms.

hp: alicia spinnet/george weasley

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