Days Of Our Lives: Bo and Hope

Jan 22, 2007 11:16

Title: Color Me Orange
Fandom: Days Of Our Lives
Characters: Bo and Hope Brady, with mention of Zack and Ciara
Prompt: 012. Orange
Word Count: 1795
Rating: PG
Summary: Bo and Hope have some fun with paint
Author's Notes: 12th chapter for fanfic100
Story Table

After the children had gone to bed, Hope occupied herself by picking up after them. Zack had been the instigator in his and Ciara's evening of fun. While he had been in the cupboard looking for some crayons, something else caught his attention more. He noticed a box full of paint. Immediately seeing that, he pulled the box out of the cupboard and ran to show this little sister. Getting Ciara's interest as well, the two young children found their Mom and Dad and begged them to be able to paint. Neither Bo nor Hope could say no. They just couldn't say no to those puppy eyes and sad faces that Zack and Ciara gave them. So needless to say, three hours later when the kids went to bed, the kitchen table had pictures, bowls of water, paper, paintbrush, and bowls of paint all over

"I didn't even know we still had this," Bo said, walking into the kitchen

"Same here," Hope answered, "I remembered putting all of in the box awhile ago, but I guess I just forgot that we still had it"

"Where did we get it from?" Bo asked, picking up some paint brushes and drying them off

"Jennifer gave it to us," Hope answered, "She gave it to Zack as a present to learn his colors. See, it only has the basic colors, red, blue, yellow, white, and black. So if they want another color, they have to mix and match"

"Well I guess it does come in handy then," Bo added, putting the dry paint brushes on the counter

"Messy, but handy. Aww look at this picture Ciara drew," Hope smiled. She held up a picture that had five blobs on the page that were to represent Bo, Hope, Shawn, Zack, and Ciara

"Such a little artist," Bo smiled, taking the picture from Hope and over to the refridgerator. "Let's hang it right here for everyone to see"

"Sounds good," Hope replied, "We should probably hang up one of Zack's as well," she added, sorting through the pictures that Zack had drawn. "Which one do you want to hang?"

Bo walked back over to the table and looked at the pictures, "How about this one?" he asked, pointing to a picture that looked like Zack was trying to make a replica of what could been seen in outer space

Hope picked up the picture and admired it, "He's so creative," she smiled

Bo chuckled at the drawing, "Look at all those purple aliens. That's not the moon they're standing on, is it?"

Hope shook her head, "No, I don't think it is because they're standing on this big orange-ish thing that has orange rays coming off of it. My guess is it would be the sun"

"The sun," Bo chuckled, "You're right, he is creative," he said, hanging Zack's picture up next to Ciara's

Hope began transferring the bowls of water over to the sink, rinsing them out, "It's a good thing this paint doesn't stain, otherwise our sink would be a rainbow," she said as she watched the multi-colored water go down the sink

"So would our kids," Bo pointed out as he put away the black, white, and blue paint, "Zack and Ciara had multi-colored hands"

Hope nodded, "Yes, I know, good ole soap and water"

As Bo walked over to the cupboard to put some of the stuff away, he smiled at their pictures, "Tell me because I'm drawing a blank, orange and yellow?"

Hope nodded, "Yes, see," she poured the bowl of yellow paint into the bowl of red paint and mixed it with her finger, "Orange!"

"And now you have an orange finger," Bo chuckled, walking back over to the table

"I know," Hope paused, looking at her finger, "And now you have an orange nose!" she tapped his nose with her finger

"Ha ha ha," Bo said, wiping his nose and grabbing her hand before she could touch his nose again, "So do you," he said fighting to get her finger to touch her own nose. When it did, he let go of her hand and grinned

"Oooh two can play at this game," Hope picked up the bowl of orange paint and looked at it. She dipped her fingers into it and ran her hand over Bo's cheek, "Perfect"

Bo stuck his fingers in the paint and then drew a smiley face on Hope's forehead, "Take that!"

"Oh yeah?"


Hope stuck her hand in the orange paint and then ran her hand over Bo's face, leaving a trail of orange lines

Bo opened his eyes after her hand left his face. He could feel the paint on his face starting to harden, "Two can play at this game," he grinned, taking the bowl out of Hope's hands and placing it on the chair. He lifted his wife up and pushed her down softly onto the table. Picking up the bowl of orange paint, he hovered over the table, holding the bowl over Hope

Hope's eyes widen, " just layed me in paint!"

"Oh I did? I'm sorry," Bo teased

"You are in big trouble!" she reached over and grabbed the bottle of red paint, opening it up, she squirted it all over Bo's black shirt

Bo looked down at his shirt, "Go on, squirt all the red paint you want. Just know that I'm holding this bowl of orange paint and that I can hop ontop of you so you won't be able to get up, and I'll be able to get to those two bottles of paint

"You don't scare me," Hope said, grabbing the bottle of yellow paint and squirted it all over Bo's shirt as well. Putting the bottle down, she smeared it with her hand, "See, orange!"

Bo lifted himself up onto the table and over Hope, "I warned you..." he slowly started to pour the orange paint over Hope's shirt

"Ewwww," Hope laughed, feeling the paint go onto her shirt. She grabbed the red bottle and squirted some into Bo's hair

"Oooooh now you've done it!" Bo grabbed the bottle out of Hope's hand and squirted some into her hair

"Brady this paint I'm laying on is going to dry and I'm going to be stuck to the sheet!" she said, moving her head around so that her hair wouldn't get stuck to the sheet that she had put on the table incase Zack and Ciara spilled paint, which obviously they did

"Maybe I want you to get stuck to the sheet," Bo stuck his tongue out

"That's not fair!" she stuck her tongue out at him, trying to push him off of her

"No, no, no," Bo responded, pouring more orange paint onto his wife

While Bo continued to pour the bowl onto Hope, Hope continued to squirt the red and yellow paint at Bo. The bowl became empty before the bottles did, but Hope stopped anyway because she didn't want to use all of Zack and Ciara's paint, and plus her and Bo were already starting to take on the color trait of a pumpkin

"I hope this stuff comes out of clothes," Hope mumbled, smearing the red and yellow paint together on Bo's shirt

"And what if it doesn't?"

"Well, you've got a shirt to wear on Halloween," Hope concluded, looking at Bo's black shirt with orange paint

"And what about you?"

Hope glanced down at her purple shirt that was covered in orange paint, "Hmmm, I guess Easter? Or this could be my paint shirt if I paint for the kids. Although if anyone asked where I got it, I'd say my husband made it for me. I think everyone but Zack and Ciara would think we were crazy"

"Well I'd have to go around saying that my wife made me my shirt"

"Yeah but Bo you are already crazy, so people wouldn't give a second thought to you wearing it"

"Hey!" Bo pinned Hope to the table, "Don't make me make another bowl of orange paint"

"Ooooh I'm so scared," Hope said sarcastically, "Can't you see me shaking"

"You should be scared!"

"The only thing I'm scared of is this table breaking. I don't think it was meant to hold both of us"

"I think it can," Bo said, massaging the paint into Hope's hair

"I don't think it can..."

"Tell you what, if it breaks, I'll buy you a new one," Bo sighed

"And you can tell the kids when the come running downstairs after being woken up by the loud crash just what exactly Mommy and Daddy were doing that caused them to end up on the floor ontop of a broken table covered in paint"

Bo chuckled, "We were having a paint fight?"

"Careful Brady, you tell them we did that and they are going to think they can too"

"Hmm, good point. How about we were cleaning up and slipped on some spilled paint and fell onto the table?"

"That's better," Hope nodded slightly, "Ugh, I think part of me is stuck to this sheet. Probably my hair is"

"Let me see," Bo slowly started to sit Hope up

"Oww, oww, hair!"

Bo released his grip and let Hope put her head back down on the table, "Hmm, I think you're stuck"

"Well duh!" Hope frowned, "Now what do we do? I can't stay on this sheet forever"

"I could make a distraction and then while you're focused on that, pull you off of the sheet. You'd be more focused on the distraction than your hair"

"And what would that distraction be? Are you going to give me M&Ms like we do with Zack and Ciara when they are at the doctors?"

"M&Ms do sound good, but no, I had something else in mind," Bo lowered himself to his wife and began to kiss her, "Is it working?" he murmured


Bo continued to kiss his wife as he slowly tried to sit her up

"Nuh uh..." she murmured, feeling her hair being pulled, "Try again"

Bo kissed her deeply, "Speaking of hair, I think the paint has dried in mine"

Hope touched Bo's hair, "Yup, it has"

Once again, Bo tried to lift Hope off of the sheet

"Ouch, not working"

Bo sighed and got off the table

"What are you doing?" Hope asked, looking over at him

Bo took the two bottles and empty bowl and put them away. Coming back to the table, he gathered the ends of the sheet up and then lifted Hope up, sheet and all

"What are you doing?" Hope laughed

"Let's go get you cleaned up," Bo mumbled, bringing his lips to his wife's lips

Hope placed her paint covered hands softly on Bo's cheeks, "Sounds good to me"

days of our lives: hope brady/bo brady

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